How To Workout While Working

Physical activities and correct eating habits, are the key to a healthy life. But what if you are so busy you don’t have the time to work out regularly? There are a few tricks to insert those much needed exercises into your daily routines even if you have a very crowded schedule.

Office JobAt Work

You can call your job sedentary as long as it usually involves sitting on a chair. This can lead to back pain, blood circulation problems, strain injuries, and so on. So what can you do to prevent this and feel good in your body? Here are a few ideas:

1. Firm tummy and buttocks: make sure you sit straight and contract your abdominal muscles for a couple of seconds, relax, and repeat. This also applies to gluteal muscles.

2. Remove that neck pain: flex your head from left to right and forwards/backwards. Make slow movements to avoid damage to your neck joints.

3. Too much typing? Roll your wrists 10 times in both directions.

4. Tone your leg muscles: Lift and lower your toes while keeping your heels on the ground. Stand straight and extend one leg until it is at hip level. Hold for a couple of seconds and relax. You can do this 10-15 times for each leg.

5. No more sore shoulders: Raise one shoulder to ear level (or as close as possible), hold, and relax. Repeat 10 times for each shoulder.

House cleaning workoutAt Home

1. Dance while cleaning: make dusting and vacuuming fun, healthy activities. This way, you will get some exercise while doing your chores.

2. Window washing is a great arm exercise, especially when doing vigorous movements.

3. Repetitive tasks such as vacuuming, mopping, or sweeping can be turned into a challenging workout if you try to do them faster.

4. If you have stairs in your house, try to climb them by running. This is one of the most calorie-consuming exercises out there.

5. So you love watching TV? Well, guess what…you can do all of the office exercises mentioned above right on your couch.

6. Wash the car yourself: you will get the chance to burn some fat and get a squeaky clean car simultaneously.

Stair climbing workoutIn Between

1. Avoid elevators and take the stairs every time it’s possible.

2. When you go shopping, park the car further away from the store. It gives you the chance to walk a few extra steps.

3. Never say no to a walk. As long as you have to get somewhere within walking range, you should do that. And with the traffic we’re facing, you might get there faster than by car.

4. How you spend your free time is also very important. If you have a dog, go out and play with him, and you’ll be happier and healthier. Play sports with your children, don’t just stand on one side and look at them.

Bottom line: try to be active while doing things you find entertaining. You don’t need to go jogging, at the gym or biking if you lack the time or find them boring; there are plenty of other ways to workout.

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