Category: Nutrition
Carb Backloading: Is It Good or Bad For You?
Very few diets actually hold enough merit to be considered solid weight loss plans; some of them just make me roll my eyes with their inevitability to cause a yo-yo effect on any poor soul that decides to put their time and money into them, others just make me roll my eyes. Once in a…
Doing Intermittent Fasting Right: The Eat-Stop-Eat Plan
Dieting can be hard to keep up with, especially if you’re someone who’s incredibly busy or you happen to be on a budget – Most diet plans consist of you (cooking and) eating five to seven small meals a day, and some of them have you working out – Who really has time for all…
How To Make A Mouth-Watering, Good Salad (5 Easy Steps)
Just because summer is over and many of the farmers’ markets are starting to wrap up doesn’t mean that there’s any excuse whatsoever to abandon your healthy eating goals. I’ve mentioned before that having a salad for lunch every day is a really easy way to make sure that you’re getting your daily dose of…
The General Motors Diet: 7 Day Weight Loss Plan For Fast Slim Down
The fall season tends to bring on cravings for comfort foods, and while all of those comfort foods might make us feel great while we’re eating them, it’s not long before you can see all those extra calories appearing on your waistline. Additionally, if you end up mixing a lot of your favorite comfort food…
The Blood Type Diet: Eating What Your DNA Dictates?
When it comes to diets, there are some that are so outlandish-sounding that we can’t even begin to buy into their hype, and then there are the diets that seem reasonable and can definitely be taken at face value as long as you’re not someone who looks into things. The blood type diet falls into…
10 Easy Diet Tweaks To Reach And Keep A Healthy Weight
Summer is officially over; with the holidays creeping up faster than we ever expect them to, it can be easy to lose track of your weight loss goals without even realizing it. Before getting frustrated and giving up (again), keep these ten tips in mind. They’ll help you stay on track – even if you…
I Quit Sugar: An 8-Week Detox Program Designed To Stop Sugar Cravings
It’s no secret that I’m not the biggest fan of dieting; though you might lose a couple of pounds in the first couple of weeks or months, the vast majority of diets are basically just setting you up for failure. That feeling of failure usually leads to more dieting, and the cycle continues. I’m more…
The Dukan Diet: Real Weight-Loss Solution or Celeb-Endorsed Hype?
This almost 21-year-old diet is still quite popular these days even though, Pierre Dukan, its creator breached medical ethics and was banned as a doctor in France, in 2013. Some of the best-looking celebrities like Jennifer Lopez, Gisele Bundchen, Kate Middleton, and her mother, Carol Middleton are known to be followers of the Dukan diet,…
The Zone Diet: How Jennifer Aniston Retains That Youthful Glow
Jennifer Aniston is one of those celebrities who just seems to look better as she gets older, don’t you think? She looks just as good (if not better) now than she did when she was playing Rachel Green on the hit sitcom Friends – What’s her secret? Sure, some of that gorgeousness can be credited…
The Atkins Diet: Lose Weight Fast by Eating Meat, Cheese, and Butter
If a doctor told you that you could eat all of the red meat, butter, cream, and cheese you wanted, sit around all day, and still lose weight as long as you cut out white bread, rice, and pasta, what would you think? You’d likely dismiss that doctor as off his or her rocker and…
Bone Broth Magic: What Is It and How It Can Heal You
With cold and flu season getting closer as we speak, you’re definitely going to want to stock up on everything you’ll need before a virus spreads like wildfire through your house (knock on wood that it doesn’t, but chances are if you have kids you’ll end up catching a bug at some point or another).…
How To Eat Garlic Properly And Why You Should Do It More Often
I’m a self-proclaimed garlic addict. I’ll put it in just about everything I can (meats, eggs, vegetables, soups, roasted and spread on a bagel, in guacamole. The list is endless, and if I could figure out a way to work it into desserts as well I probably would) to improve the flavor and reap all…
The Cabbage Soup Diet: 7 Day Eating Plan & Recipe
Some diets out there are built for the long term, and then there are the ones that only work in the sense that you need to drop a few pounds before a big event or to kick-start your long-term weight loss goals. One of the tried, tested, and true recipes that fall into the latter…
The Easy Guide to Fruit and Vegetable Serving Sizes
We are all aware of the importance of getting enough fresh fruit and vegetables in our diet, yet most of us fail to accomplish that. Plus, the old “5 servings a day” recommendation recently turned into “7 servings a day”. But how much is enough? A study, published in the Journal of Epidemiology & Community…
The Japanese Diet: Health Benefits and Essential Rules
Japanese people are known for their slim waists and lengthy lifespan, and while food is not everything, diet does play a critical role in health. The Japanese Diet is not a fixed, rigid diet; it’s more of a sum-up of all the foods, eating habits, and ways of cooking used in Japan. It’s not even…
4 Bad Nutrition Advice Promoted by the Media
We’re open to trying just about anything in our quest for a healthy lifestyle and a slimmer waistline. Backed up by some improperly conducted research, and sometimes not even as much, plenty of bad nutrition advice was born. While these nutrition rules have received support from many healthcare professionals over the years, the media overly…